About DateAlt

A dating site for those who don't fit into categories

Set up in 2009, DateAlt is the brain child of a long-term single man - frustrated at the lack of dating sites focused on what really matters to him – people's musical preferences. He ran the idea past Steve Morgan over a RPA (Reasonably Priced Ale) in one of Manchester's fine drinking establishments and DateAlt was born.

What is DateAlt?

Dating for 'alternative' people. In a nut shell a dating site for anyone that feels music is important – let's face it you can't go out with someone if their musical tastes include U2.


Yeah- well we're trying. Web hosting is pretty cheap these days – we're not out to make our millions running this site. There's no catch but if you want to help support us buy a T-Shirt or click on one or two of the wonderful ads that are running on the site if they take your fancy!

Site looks great!

Thanks(!), the site was built and designed by Steve Morgan with the DateAlt logo and theme all thanks to Fred van Hardeveld – we recommend him if you need any artwork, photography or album covers etc etc...